People Profile Editor

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The people profile editor allows you to create, edit and delete people profiles. To open the people profile editor, navigate to References | People Profile Editor.

If there is no open project, then the user material database opens. If there is an open project - the project database opens.

People Profile Editor

Each people profile has the following properties:

  • Name — the people profile name;

Do not use long people profile names. It is recommended to specify additional information about the people profile in the Description field.

  • Description — people profile description;

  • Mobility group — people profile mobility group. Used to determine the exit to which people of this profile can evacuate. For details, see Exit;

  • Area — the area of the horizontal projection of a person;

  • Width — the width of a person. The size of the horizontal projection of a person perpendicular to the direction of movement of the person;

  • Thickness — thickness of a person. The size of the horizontal projection of a person in the direction of movement of the person;

  • Height — the height of a person. Currently only affects the representation of a person in the scene editor, but does not affect evacuation simulation;

  • Color — the color used to display a person on the scene;

In the Parameters of Movement on Various Types of Evacuation Routes table, the Dependency of people movement speed on density for different types of route segments is defined, as well as the avaliability of movement on these segments (the Movement Allowed property).

The following dependencies are possible:

  1. logarithmic,
  2. linear,
  3. piecewise linear,
  4. constant.

If the dependency of people movement speed on people density is unknown, a special type Unknown must be selected. Then, if the evacuation route segment with unknown parameters is a ramp with a slope less than 1:8, the movement parameters for this profile of people on a horizontal route are used as the movement speed. If the evacuation route segment with unknown parameters is a ramp with a slope greater than 1:8, the movement parameters for this profile of people on stairs (both upwards and downwards) are used as the movement speed. If the evacuation route segment with unknown parameters is of another type, then the speed of movement is the same as that for the segment with the lowest free movement speed.

  • Movement Allowed — whether movement along this type of route is allowed or not;
  • Dependency V(D) – the dependency of the speed (velocity) on the people flow density of any form.

Create a new people profile

To create a new people profile, do the following:

  1. Select the people profile that is taken as a basis when creating a new one.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Fill in all the form fields in the people profile editor.

A new people profile is created.

Remove a people profile

To remove a people profile, do the following:

  1. Select the people profile you want to remove.
  2. Click Delete.

The selected people profile is deleted.

Edit a people profile

To edit the people profile, do the following:

  1. Select the people profile parameters of which you want to change.
  2. Edit the patameter values.
  3. Click Apply.

To change the people speed-density dependency parameters for a specific type of evacuation route, movement along this route segment must be allowed.

You cannot chahge parameters of an unknown dependency. The speed under this dependency is determined by the speed of that type of the evacuation route (except for the Doorway route and also such route types where the speed is always 0, or movement is prohibited), where $V_0$ is minimal. If such a route type is not found, then the speed is determined by a logarithmic dependency with default parameters.

For this:

  • click the current dependency parameters in the Parameters V(D) field for the corresponding section of the evacuation route.

A dialog box opens showing the dependency of speed and intensity on the people flow density.

The window of the dependency of people speed and intensity on the people flow density is divided into two parts. The left side of the window displays general information, formulas and calculation conditions, mesure units of density and speed, current motion parameters, as well as general calculated values for this section of the route. On the right side of the window there is a graph of the dependency of people speed and intensity on the flow density.

  • If necessary, change the mesure units of density (m²/m², people/m²) and flow speed (m/min, m/s).
  • Edit the dependency settings.

For the logarithmic dependency, you can change the following parameters:

$D_o$ – people flow density at which the speed begins to decrease (unit: m²/m²);

$V_{max}$ – the maximum possible value of speed (unit: m/min);

$D_{vmin}$ – people flow density at which the flow speed has the minimum possible value (unit: m²/m²);

$V_{min}$ – the minimum possible value of speed (unit: m/min);

$D_{max}$ – the maximum flow density (unit: m²/m²);

a – the dimensionless quantity.

For the linear dependency, you can change the following parameters:

$D_o$ – people flow density at which the speed begins to decrease (unit: m²/m²);

$D_{vmin}$ – people flow density at which its speed has the minimum possible value (unit: m²/m²);

$D_{max}$ – minimum flow density (unit: m²/m²);

slope – slope of the line (unit: m³/(m² min));

yIntercept – line parameter (unit: m/min).

For piecewise linear dependency, you can change the following parameters:

$D_{vmin}$ – people flow density at which its speed has the minimum possible value (unit: m²/m²);

$D_{max}$ – maximum people flow density (unit: m²/m²);

$D_{[i]}$ – flow density (unit: m²/m²);

$V_{[i]}$ – flow speed (unit: m/min).

The piecewise linear dependancy graph table must contain data for at least 2 points.

For the constant dependency, you can change the following parameters:

$V_{max}$ – the maximum possible speed value (unit: m/min);

$D_{vmin}$ – people flow density at which people flow speed has the minimum possible value (unit: m²/m²);

$D_{max}$ – the maximum flow density (unit: m²/m²)

When changing the dependency parameters, the graph of the dependency of speed and intensity on the people flow density, as well as the general calculated values for the selected section of the route, change automatically. For the selected type of evacuation route the values of the following parameters are calculated:

  • $D_0$ – people flow density at which speed begins to change;

  • $V_0$ – the flow speed at zero density;

  • $D_{qmax}$ – the flow density at which maximum intensity is reached;

  • $Q_{max}$ – the maximum intensity.

For the logarithmic dependency of the speed on the flow density, the user must set the value manually.

  • To apply the new values, click Apply. To cancel the changes, click Cancel.

  • To save changes to the people profile, click Apply.