This chapter describes the general appearance and graphical elements of the main application window.
Main Window
The picture below shows the main window of Fenix+ 3 application.
Depending on the type of the open project, the main application window may differ from what is shown.
The main application window contains the following interface elements:
- Menu
- Control panel
- Start page
- Scenario list
- Search field
- Scenario browser
- Scene editor
- Drawing toolbar
- Additional toolbar
- Simulation control tab
- Simulation results tab
- Visualization panel
- Fire risk calculation results tab
- Error panel
- Event log
For convenience, the application allows you to customize the dimensions of the main window’s workspace. You can adjust the width of the left and right parts of the workspace. Individual interface elements (for example, the error panel and the event log) can be hidden. You can use the Close button located in the title field of the respective element.
To display a hidden interface element, navigate to View | Panels and then ceck the box next to the item you want to display.
You can also change the width and order of the columns in the tables of the application’s main window. To do this, left-click and hold the border or the name of the desired column and drag it to change the width or location of the column.
All changes to the appearance of the application’s main window only apply to the current session. When the application is launched again, the appearance of the main window returns to the default state.
The menu bar contains menu options that you can use to perform various actions in the application.
For most options in the application, hot keys are provided. If a command option has a hot key, the corresponding key combination is displayed next to the command name.
The menu bar includes the following items:
- File — to work with a project file and exit the program;
- Edit — to work with objects on the scene.
- View — to change the appearance of the main application window, the objects on the scene, and etc.;
- Project — to add new scenarios to the project, viewing and changing the properties of the current scenario;
- Tools — to select drawing and additional tools, to set parameters for inserting objects;
- Report — to create reports;
- Reference — to display reference materials;
- Simulation — to configure evacuation and fire dynamics simulation parameters;
- Settings — to configure general application settings, evacuation scheme parameters, linear size parameters and change application language;
- Help — to display program documentation; to create a request for technical support; to display video tutorials, hot keys, the license manager and the information about the application.
If the application has Internet access and is configured to automatically check for updates, as soon as a new version of the application becomes available on the developer’s website, an additional item containing the relevant message is displayed in the menu bar. After clicking on this item, a dialog box opens prompting to update the application to the new version. For more information, see Updating Application.
Control panel
You can use the control panel to quickly access frequently used actions (functions) in the application.
— Create a new project;
— Open a previously created project;
— Close the current project;
— Save the project;
— Add a new scenario;
— Add a new building;
— Add a floor;
— Import plans and floor background images;
— Undo;
— Redo;
— Cut (an object);
— Copy (an object);
— Paste (an object);
— Delete (an object);
— Flip vertically;
— Flip horizontally;
— Rotate by a specified angle;
— Start evacuation, fire dynamics simulation and fire risk calculation;
— Check scenario for errors.
— Professions manager.
The Profession Manager tool is only available in the fire risk calculation project for production facilities. In other project types, this tool is not available, and the button is not displayed on the control panel.
Start Page
When you start Fenix+ 3 application, the start page is displayed by default. Using this page, you can quickly create a new project or open one of your recent projects.
On the Open Recent tab, the history of work on the last 10 projects is displayed. To open a project, click on its name. To go to the folder of this project, click on its location path.
On the sidebar, under the Documentation section, there are links to the software documentation stored locally on the PC. The Online Support section contains links for viewing and downloading the latest versions of the software documentation from the developer’s website.
In addition to the software documentation, users also have access to instructional video tutorials that quickly introduce the basic principles of working in the application. The link to the video tutorials is located in the Online Support section.
Video tutorials and software documentation on the developer’s website are updated regularly.
The Demo Projects tab contains links to ready-made projects that allow simulating and calculating fire risk without the need to create topological, fire, and evacuation components beforehand.
Scenario List
The Scenario list contains all scenarios, which are available in the current project.
To start working with the desired scenario, clik on its name. The contents of the topology editor will change.
Before the scenario name, the statuses of people evacuation and the fire dynamics simulation for this scenario are displayed. For more information, see Evacuation Simulation and Fire Dynamics Simulation.
Search Field
The search field is used to search for objects on the scene.
For more information about searching for objects on the scene, see Searching For Objects.
Scenario Browser
The scenario browser is used to display objects, that are contained in the current scenario.
If a project contains several scenarios, then the number and types of objects in these scenarios may differ. For more information, see Creating a New Scenario.
Fenix+ 3 application provides 2 types of the scenario structure: hierarchical tree and component tree. In the hierarchical tree, all scenario objects are presented as a separate structure (a building or a master plan and several buildings) in accordance with their location relative to each other on the scene, for example, a floor includes stairs, floor slabs, rooms, etc., and a room includes people, solids, etc. In the component tree, all scenario objects are grouped by type (for example: floors, walls, windows, doors).
Depending on the type of the open project, the hierarchical tree structure may differ from the one shown.
In each scenario browser you can perform the following actions:
- Move between linked nodes and elements using the arrow keys on the keyboard;
- Open and close linked nodes using the Enter key;
- Select a linked node or element by left-clicking;
- Select multiple linked nodes and/or elements by left-clicking and holding down the Ctrl key;
- Deselect linked nodes and/or elements using the Esc key;
- Scroll the tree up/down using the mouse wheel;
- Change the names of linked nodes and elements using the F2 key;
- Delete linked nodes and elements from the scenario using the Delete key.
When you try to delete an element (for example, a wall) that is featured in the topology of the current scenario, but also belongs to the topologies of other scenarios in the project, the Fenix+ 3 application displays the corresponding information message and prompts to delete the element only for the current scenario or for all scenarios, where this element is used.
When you try to delete a linked node that contains various elements, the Fenix+ 3 application displays the corresponding information message and prompts choosing whether to delete only the node itself or whether to also delete all the elements in it.
Scene Editor
You can use the scene editor to display objects, which belong to the scenario.
At the bottom left corner of the scene editor, the current scale of the scene is indicated.
Drawing tools are intended for working with scenario objects on the scene. For more information, see Drawing tools.
To change the appearance of the scene, use additional tools. For more information, see Additional Tools.
Drawing Toolbar
The drawing toolbar is used to select the necessary tool for work. On the left side of the panel there are buttons with icons of all the tools, and on the right side of the panel the settings of the active tool are displayed.
The drawing toolbar is only active if one of the floors of the building is selected in the project tree. Until a floor is selected, no tools can be activated.
If any additional tools are activated (Scene Movement, Scene Rotation, Scene Zoom), the drawing tools become inactive. To return to working with the drawing tools, deactivate the additional tool you are using. For more information, see Additional Tools.
When you select an object in the scene editor or in the scenario browser using the Selector tool, the properties table for the selected object is displayed on the right side of the panel. For more information, see Selector.
The drawing toolbar contains the following tools:
— The Selector tool allows you to select one or several objects on the scene;
— The Wall tool allows you to place a wall of various configurations on the scene;
{width=05%} — The Roof tool allows you to to place a roof of various configurations on the scene;
— The Solid tool allows you to place a solid object (a random geometric object) on the scene;
— The Stairway tool allows you to place a stairway on the scene;
— The Floor Slab tool allows you to place a floor slab on the floor;
— The Door tool allows tou to place a door in the wall;
{width=05%} — The Doorway tool allows tou to place a doorway in the wall;
— The Window tool allows you to place a window in the wall;
— The Room tool allows you to define some specific area inside a building;
— The Exit tool allows you to place an exit on the scene;
— The Occupants tool allows you to place one person or a group of people on the scene;
— The Waypoint tool allows you to place a waypoint on the scene;
— The Calculation Area tool allows you to specify the area in which you need to simulate the development of the fire;
— The Fire Source tool allows you to specify the fire source;
— The Ventilation tool allows you to place a vent on the wall and on the floor slab;
— The Registering device tool allows you to place a registering device and a vertical slice;
{width=05%} — The Detector tool allows you to place a detector on the scene;
— The Ruler tool allows you to measure the length of any object, as well as change the scale of the scene;
— The Text tool allows you to place text;
— The Line tool allows you to place auxiliary lines in the scene editor;
— The Linear size tool allows you to specify the linear size of the object;
— The Opening tool allows you to place an opening in a floor slab, landing or in a room
Additional Toolbar
The additional toolbar allows you to configure the view of the scene while working.
— with the Scene Movement tool you can move the scene in the scene editor. The tool is activated when you click on the specified button or when you press and hold the middle mouse button.
— with the Scene Rotation tool you can rotate the scene in the scene editor. The tool is activated when you click on the specified button or use Shift + RMB.
— with the Scene Zoom tool you can change the scale of the scene in the scene editor. The tool is activated by clicking the specified button or by rotating the mouse wheel.
— the Show All tool allows you to select such a scene scale that all objects are visible in the scene editor simultaneously. The tool is activated when you click on the specified button or with the Alt + A hot key.
— the Top View tool allows you to change the current appearance of the scene to a bird’s eye view. The tool is activated when you click on the specified button or with ALT + Z hot keys.
{width=05%} — The Render Modes tool allows you to change the way objects (except people) are rendered in the scene. The tool is activated when you click on the specified button.
— with the Show / Hide Coordinate Grid tool you can display and hide the coordinate grid on the scene. The tool is activated by clicking the specified button, or with the F3 key. You can also navgate to Tools | Grid | Enable.
— with the Show / Hide Coordinate Axes tool you can show and hide the X, Y, Z coordinate axes on the scene. The tool is activated by clicking the specified button, or with the F2 key. You can also navigate to Tools | Axes.
— with the Show / Hide Floor Image tool you can display and hide the auxiliary background image (underlay). The tool is activated by clicking the specified button, or with the Alt + S hot key.
— with the Show / Hide Lower Floor Contour tool you can display and hide the contour of the underlying floor on the edited floor. In this case, it is possible to snap to the specific points of the underlying floor contour. The tool is activated when you click on the specified button, or with the ALT + F hot keys.
— with the Show / Hide Floor Slabs tool you can display and hide floor slabs. The tool is activated by clicking the specified button.
— using the Play simulation results button you can display and hide simulation results panel.
Simulation Control Tab
The simulation control tab contains controls for setting up simulation parameters, performing simulations of people evacuation (only in fire risk calculation projects) and fire dynamics for all scenarios in the project, as well as connecting to the Fenix Server software package.
Depending on the type of the open project, the appearance of the simulation control tab may differ from what is shown.
On the left side of the tab, the following control elements are located:
— Start simulation;
— Pause simulation;
— Stop simulation;
— Configure evacuation/fire dynamics simulation parameters;
— Add a new connection to Fenix Server software package;
— Delete a connection to Fenix Server software package;
— Configure a connection to Fenix Server software package
If a connection to Fenix Server software package is configured and active, when you click the button a selection dialog box opens in the left part of the work area. In this dialog box you can select whether simulation is performed on the local PC or remotely using Fenix Server.
In the center of the work area there is a table with information on the progress / results of evacuation simulation and fire dynamics for all scenarios in the project.
You can adjust the appearance of the table with simulation results by changing the order and width of the columns.
Simulation Results Tab
The Results tab displays evacuation and fire dynamics simulation results.
Depending on the type of open project, the Results tab may differ from what is shown.
Simulation Results Tab in Fire Risk Calculation Projects
In fire risk calculation projects the Results tab contains additional tabs for easy viewing of simulation results.
The Evacuation tab shows general information about the evacuation simulation results for the current scenario, as well as summarized information for all registering devices and evacuation exits.
The Fire tab has 2 sub-tabs: Registering Devices and Detectors. The Registering Devices sub-tab shows blocking time of registering devices for each dangerous fire factor (DFF), and also displays the dynamics of changes in the DFF values for each registering device in the current scenario. The Detectors sub-tab shows the time of reaching the threshold value for the activation of the fire detector, as well as the activation time taking into account the delay time associated with the inertia of the fire detection system.
If the registering device has several control points, then information for all control points is presented. For more details about control points, see Registering Device.
The Transportation of People with Limited Mobility tab shows the overall rescue results, as well as graphically represents the process of rescuing people with limited mobility from medical and social institutions using stretchers.
The Comparison of evacuation and fire tab shows calculation results for all registeing devices in the current scenario, and also displays graphs of the number of people passing and the intensity of people flow. For more details, see Comparison of Calculation Results in Registering devices
By default, simulation results are not viewable. Simulation results are displayed only after completion of evacuation simulation and/or fire dynamics simulation.
Viewing Simulation Results In a Universal Project Tab
In a universal project the Results tab shows calculated data, graphs of changes in heat flux density and temperature of structures.
Visualization Tab
The visualization tab contains control elements, which allow you to visualize evacuation and fire dynamics simulation results.
Depending on the type of open project, the Visualization tab may differ from what is shown.
The Fenix+ 3 application allows you to playback the people evacuation and the fire dynamics, both simultaneously and separately. To do this, you need to check the appropriate boxes.
The visualization tab contains the following contol elements:
- show fire dynamics;
- visualize fire dynamis using Smokeview;
- select a dangerous fire factor you want to display;
- select a registering device to display information on dangerous fire factors;
- select a level for displaying dangerous fire factor fields.
- show evacuation;
— show covered distance;
— show entire distance;
— show remaining distance;
— show evacuation scheme;
— show evacuation scheme settings;
— show density of human flow;
— show density of human flow settings;
— timeline indicator.
— start playback;
— pause playback;
— stop playback;
— decrease playback speed;
— playback with real time speed;
— increase playback speed;
— Step forward;
— Step backward.
When playing back simulation results, you can change the playback time, either by moving the slider or by manually editing the playback time.
To change the playback time manually, do the following:
- Pause the playback by clicking the button.
- Set the time by entering the desired value in the Time field and pressing the Enter key.
- Resume the playback by clicking the button.
By default, the controls located on the simulation results vizualization panel are not available. These controls become available automatically after the evacuation simulation and/or fire dynamics simulation is completed.
Error Panel
The error panel is used to display messages on errors detected in scenarios.
The error panel is displayed at the bottom of the main application window. By default, the error panel is hidden. This panel is displayed automatically when errors are detected.
Each message contains a detailed description of the error, an indication of the scenario in which the error was detected, and information about the nature and scope of the error.
For more information, see Checking a Project for Errors.
Event Log
The event log displays notification messages on events, which occur during the operation of the application.
There are 3 types of notification messages:
— information messages;
— warning messages;
— error messages.
The event log is displayed at the bottom of the application window. By default, the event log is hidden. When an event that must be reported to the user occurs, the event log automatically opens and displays a corresponding message.
Fire Risk Calculation Results Tab
The fire risk calculation results viewing tab displays the overall calculated values and the fire risk value.
In the universal project, this tab is not available.