Importing topology elements from another project

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Fenix ​​+ 3 applicatopn allows you to import topology elements (buildings, floors) from one project to another. Using this feature, you can speed up the creation of large projects by dividing the work between several users, as well as quickly copy created topology elements to another project. This feature is particularly convenient in cases where the project type was chosen incorrectly or when several buildings need to be combined into one project for calculating fire distances.

You can import topology elements to the following elements:

  1. Master plan.

You can only import an entire building onto the master plan. For the import, you can select one or more buildings from a single topology.

  1. Building.

You can import an entire building or individual floors onto the selected building. If the entire building is imported, all properties of the imported building are automatically applied to the current building.

  1. Floor.

You can only import an individual floor onto a floor. In this case, only elements located on the imported floor are imported. The imported elements retain their properties. The properties of the floor onto which the import is made remain unchanged.

To import topology elements do the following:

  1. Right-click on the name of the element onto which you need to perform the import in the project tree.

  2. In the context menu that opens, select the Import option.

Importing topology elements from another project{width=50%}

  1. In the dialog box, specify the path to the project file (a file with the .fnx extension), from which the import is performed.

You can import elements from any type of projects.

  1. In the opened Importing topology elements window, do the following:
  • In the Topology section, select a desired topology;
  • In the Building section, select one or several buildings;
  • in the Floor section, select one or several floors.

If the import of topology elements to the general plan was selected, the application allows you to import one or several buildings in their entirety. If the import of topology elements into a building was selected, the application allows you to import the entire building or to select desired floors. If the import of topology elements to a floor was selected, the application allows you to import only one floor.

Selecting Topology Elements for Import

To select a different project file, click Browse.. and select the desired file in the dialog box that opens. You cannot edit the path to the project file manually.

  1. To finish the import, click Import

The application imports the selected topology elements into the current senario. Chages are diplayed in the scene editor automatically.