Importing a Point Cloud

Reading time

You can import a point cloud into the project. A point cloud is a 3D representation of the building topology, the internal building structure or any part of it.

A point cloud can be imported only to the previously selected floor.

To import a point cloud do the following:

  1. Right-click the name of a desired floor in the project tree and select Import in the menu that opens.

Importing a Point Cloud into the Project{width=50%}

  1. In the opened dialog box, select the point cloud file and click OK.

The appication supports importing point cloud files in .ptx format.

A point cloud is imported into the project to the previously selected floor.

A point cloud in the scene editor{width=80%}

Once the import is complete, you can perform various actions with the point cloud.

Viewing a Point Cloud

You can view a point cloud in the image mode (Photo mode) and in the signal reflection intensity mode (Point Cloud mode).

To view a point cloud do the following:

  1. Using the Pointer tool, press the LMB on the point cloud.

  2. Select a desired display mode in the object properties table.

Selecting the display mode

  1. Click Show.

As a result, the point cloud is displayed in the scene editor.

Viewing the point cloud in the signal reflection intensity mode

Viewing the point cloud in the photo mode

For navigation in Photo and Point Cloud viewing modes, the following actions are available:

  • Turn left: SHIFT + left arrow;
  • Turn right: SHIFT + right arrow;
  • Turn up: SHIFT + up arrow;
  • Turn down: SHIFT + down arrow;
  • Random rotation: SHIFT + RMB + mouse cursor moving.

In the Point Cloud mode, the following actions are also available:

  • Move forward: Up arrow;
  • Move backward: Down arrow;
  • Move to the right: Right arrow;
  • Move to the left: Left arrow;
  • Move upward: Ctrl + up arrow;
  • Move downward: Ctrl + down arrow;
  • Increase point size: Ctrl + 1;
  • Reduce point size: Ctrl + 2.

To change the point size, use the 1 and 2 keys located on the numeric keypad.

To zoom, rotate the mouse wheel up (zoom in) and down (zoom out) when viewing.

To return to the starting position, use the Ctrl + 9 hot key.

When returning to the starting position, use the 9 key located on the numeric keypad.

Making Measurements in a point cloud

To make measurements in a point cloud, do the following:

  1. Use the Ctrl + 4 hot key to activate the ruler tool.

  2. Move the mouse pointer to a desired position on the scene.

  3. Press the LMB, to set the starting point of the measurement line.

  4. Move the mouse pointer to a different position on the scene.

  5. Press the LMB, to set the end point of the measurement line.

As a result, the measurement line and its length is displayed on the scene.

To deactivate the ruler tool, use the Ctrl + 6 hot key.

To activate and deactivate the ruler tool, use the 4 and 9 keys on the numeric keypad.

You can make measurements in the Photo and Point Cloud view modes.

Moving a Point Cloud On the Scene

To move a point cloud, do the following:

  1. Activate the Pointer tool .
  2. Press and hold the LMB on the point cloud and move the point cloud to a desired location on the scene.

When you move the point cloud, its coordinate values are changing in the object properties table.

Coordinate values of the center of the point cloud

The point cloud can be located anywhere on the scene.

The location of the point cloud does not affect simulation and calculations in the application.

Closing a Point Cloud

To finish working with the point cloud and return to working with the project, close the corresponding tab in the topology editor.