Simulation with Fenix ​​Server

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To optimize operation and evenly distribute computational load, the Fenix+ 3 application allows you to conduct the simulation of people evacuation and fire dynamics using the Fenix Server software package.

You can install the Fenix ​​Server software package on your work computer, on any computer on your local network, or on a remote server.

To simulate evacuation or fire dynamics using Fenix ​​Server, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the simulation control tab.
  2. Select the simulation type for the desired scenario and click the button .
  3. In the dialog box that opens, select the connection to Fenix Server (see the image below).

Running a Simulation Using the Fenix ​​Server Software Package

The simulation is started.

For successful simulation of people evacuation and fire dynamics, it is necessary to preconfigure the connection to Fenix Server. The configured connection must be active. For more details, see Fenix Server Connection Settings.

You can run the simulation of people evacuation and fire dynamics simultaneously for multiple scenarios.

You can also conduct the simulation of people evacuation and fire dynamics using several Fenix Server software packages. For each Fenix Server software package, it is necessary to create a separate connection in the Fenix+ 3 application settings.

To pause the simulation, click the button. You can resume a paused calculation at any time, even after reopening the project.

To resume a paused simulation, click the (images/start_simulation.png) button again.

To stop the simulation, click the button.

On the left side of the simulation control tab there is an area with information about all configured connections to Fenix ​​Server software packages.

Simulation Control Tab. Information about Connections to Fenix ​​Server

For each configured connection, information about computing resources and the current load on the Fenix ​​Server software package is displayed.

To view detailed information about all simulation processes for the Fenix ​​Server software package, double-click on the corresponding connection.

The Server Tasks window opens, where you can view detailed information about all current tasks being executed on the selected Fenix Server, review the task history, and perform administration of current tasks.

View and Administer Tasks on Fenix ​​Server{width=70%}

To administer tasks, use the following controls:

— Start/resume a task by queuing it;

— Pause the selected task;

— Stop a task that is already running;

— Stop a task that has not yet started running;

— Move a task up in the queue, bringing its start time closer;

— Move a task down in the queue, delaying the start time of its execution;

— Permanently remove a task from the Fenix ​​Server queue.

When conducting the simulation of people evacuation and fire dynamics using the Fenix Server software complex, closing the Fenix+ 3 application does not cancel or stop the simulation. The simulation will be completed independently of the application’s operation.