Evacuation Start Time

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In the Fenix+ 3 application, there are three ways to set the evacuatiion start time:

  • According to the methodology - the evacuatiion start time for all people, without exception, is determined in accordance with the methodology.
  • Manually with methodology priority - the evacuation start time is determined in accordance with the method for all people except those in the building, on the floor or in the room for which a specific evacuation start time is specified.
  • Manually - the evacuation start time is determined individually for each person.

According to the methodology

The principles for determining the evacuation start time for civil and industrial facilities are different.

Below is a description of the principles for determining the evacuation start time for each of the two object types.

If the According to the methodology option is selected, then when determining the evacuation start time, the Fenix+ 3 application ignores all values ​​​​of this parameter specified manually for people, rooms and floors.

For civil facilities

To automatically determine the evacuation start time for civilian objects in accordance with the methodology, do the following:

  1. Select the According to the methodology option in the evacuation simulation parameters for the scenario. For details, see Evacuation Simulation Parameters.

  2. Set the functional fire hazard class in the properties of the building, floor and room. See section Setting Building Properties, Viewing and Editing Floor Properties и Room.

If all parameters are set correctly, the evacuation start time for the people in a room with a fire source is determined by the area of ​​the room according to the following formula.

A fire source is considered to be located in a room if its boundary intersects with the boundary of the room.

If the building is equipped with a fire alarm system or automatic fire extinguishing installations that perform the functions of a fire alarm system, and a fire warning and evacuation control system, then the evacuation start time is determined according to the following formula.

Evacuation Start Time Сalculation


tthres - time to the threshold value of the fire detector. For details, see Detector

tinert - delay time associated with the inertia of the fire detection system. For details, see Detector

tdelay - delay time associated with the delay in alerting people in case of fire. It is taken equal to zero for simultaneous notification of people in the building or is determined by the notification algorithm for staged notification.

tprev - time of actions preceding the evacuation start. Taken equal to:

  • 60 с - for buildings of F1 functional fire hazard class,
  • 30 с - for other buildings.

If the evacuation start time, calculated according to the above formula, exceeds the evacuation start time determined in accordance with Table P4.1, then the evacuation start time is determined according to Table P4.1.

If the functional fire hazard class is not specified for the building, floor, and room with the fire source properties, then the people evacuation start time in the room with the fire source is determined by the area of ​​the room. The evacuation start time of the remaining people is 6 minutes.

For civil facilities, you can specify the functional fire hazard class in the application for a building, floor and room. If different classes of functional fire hazard are specified for a building, floor and room, then the following rules are used when determining the evacuation start time:

  1. If people are in a room, and the room has a designated fire hazard class other than No information, then the evacuation start time of people from the room is determined based on the fire hazard class of the room. Otherwise, the rule from point 2 applies.

  2. If the floor where people are located has a designated fire hazard class other than No information, then the evacuation start time of people from the floor is determined based on the fire hazard class of the floor. Otherwise, the rule from point 3 applies.

  3. If the building where people are located has a designated fire hazard class other than No information, then the evacuation start time of people from the building is determined based on the fire hazard class of the building.

For industrial facilities

To ensure that the start time for evacuating people from industrial facilities is determined automatically, follow these steps:

  1. Select the According to the methodology option in the evacuation simulation parameters for the scenario. See section Evacuation Simulation Parameters.

If the location of the fire is a hall, it is recommended to set the checkbox to Evacuation start time is zero for halls parameter.

If all parameters are set correctly, the people evacuation start time is determined in the following way: The evacuation start time for people located on the fire floor is equal to 30 seconds, and for all other floors - 2 minutes.

In the Fenix+ 3 application, the evacuation start time for people is considered to be 2 minutes, including both for the floors below the fire source floor and for the floor above it.

If the location of the fire source is a hall, and in the evacuation simulation parameters the box Evacuation start time is zero for halls is checked, then the evacuation start time of people in this room is considered zero.

For industrial facilities, in the application you can set the class of functional fire hazard for a building, floor, and room. When different classes of functional fire hazard are set for the building, floor, and room, the same rules are used to determine the evacuation start time as for civilian facilities.


To set the evacuation start time individually for each person, you must do the following:

  1. Select the Manual option in the evacuation simulation parameters for the scenario. See section Evacuation Simulation Parameters.
  2. Set the evacuation start time for the building, each floor, room, and also individually for each person.

You can set the evacuation start time for a person at the moment of their placement on the scene, or after placement, by selecting them with the Pointer tool and changing the corresponding property.

You can set the evacuation start time for people in the room by selecting the room using the Pointer tool.

You can also set the evacuation start time for people on the floor in the Floor Properties window. See section Viewing and Editing Floor Properties.

The application allows you to set the evacuation start time for people in the building in the Building Properties window. See section Setting Building Properties.

To ensure the evacuation start time for people in buildings, rooms, or floors is accounted by the application when determining the evacuation start time for these people, it is necessary that the properties of the building, rooms, and floors have the evacuation start time set. By default, the evacuation start time is not set for the building, floors, or rooms (indicated by a dash in the field).

Accounting of the Evacuation Start Time in the Floor Properties Window for Industrial Facilities{width=45%}

Accounting of the Evacuation Start Time for a Room{width=55%}

If different evacuation start times are specified for a person, room, floor, and building, the following rules are applied to determine the evacuation start time for the person:

  1. If an evacuation start time is set for a person, then the evacuation start time is equal to the evacuation start time set for that person. Otherwise, follow rule 2.
  2. If a person is in a room and an evacuation start time is set for that room, then the person’s evacuation start time is equal to the evacuation start time set for that room. Otherwise, follow rule 3.
  3. If an evacuation start time is set for the floor on which the person is located, then the person’s evacuation start time is equal to the evacuation start time set for that floor. Otherwise, follow rule 4.
  4. If an evacuation start time is set for the building in which the person is located, then the person’s evacuation start time equals the evacuation start time set for that building. Otherwise, the evacuation start time is considered to be 0.

Thus, by setting the evacuation start time for a room, floor, and building, one can effectively and flexibly configure the evacuation start time for people located in the building.

Example 1.

In this example, the evacuation start time is set for the floor.

The evacuation start time for people located in room 1 is 7 seconds (as set for the room).

For people in room 2, the evacuation start time is 15 seconds (as set for the floor).

Example 1. Accounting of the Evacuation Start Time for a Floor and a Room{width=80%}

Example 2.

In this example, no evacuation start time is set for the floor.

The evacuation start time for people located in room 1 is 7 seconds (as set for the room).

For people in room 2, the evacuation start time is determined by the value set for each person (default 0 seconds).

Example 2. Accounting of the Evacuation Start Time for a Floor and a Room{width=80%}

Manually with methodology priority

This method of determining the evacuation start time is a cross between the According to the methodology option and the Manually option.

If the option Manually with methodology priority is selected, then the evacuation start time is determined according to the methodology for all people except those who are in the building, on the floor, or in a room for which a specific start time of evacuation has been specified.

The option Manually with methodology priority is recommended for use, for example, if it is necessary to set the evacuation start time only for a few rooms in the entire building.