Evacuation Simulation Results

Reading time

Evacuation simulation results are stored in the following folder:

..\Project Directory\Results\Scenario Id\evac


  • Project directory — the directory where the project file is located;
  • Scenario ID — the identifier of the scenario in the project.

The scenario ID is not displayed anywhere in the application. To open the folder with the evacuation simulation results, double click Evacuation for a desired scenario on the Simulation tab.

Simulation Tab

The evacuation simulation results are stored in the following files:

  • result_info.xml contains information about the application version used to conduct simulation, total simulation time, and files with simulation results.
  • exits_summary.tsv - summary information on exits. It contains information on the total number of people evacuated through each exit, as well as the evacuation time of the first and the last person.
  • peoples_detailed_XXXXXX_X.tsv stores detailed information on people. It contains information about their location, movement direction, and people flow density in the evacuation routes. There can be multiple files of this type. File names differ only in XXXXX_X note, which indicates the time when the simulation is started and events are recorded.
  • peoples_summary.tsv stores summary information on people. It contains information about all exits through which people are evacuated, the evacuation start time, the total evacuation time, the total time spent in the high-density people flow and the distance traveled by each person.
  • registrators_summary.tsv stores summary information on registering devices. It contains information about the total number of people passed through each registering device, as well as the time when the first person and the last person passed through the registering device.
  • scenarios_summary.tsv contains information about the evacuation start time, the total time of the evacuation, the total time of the high density people flow, the total number of people in the scenario and the total number of evacuated people.
  • immobile_rescue.tsv contains infromation required to determine the calculated time for transporting people with limited mobility by staff using stretchers.
  • project name.fnx is a copy of the project, which includes only one scenario, the results of which are stored in the same folder. The project extension may differ from .fnx. For details, see Logical Structure of Project Folder.

You can open these files and view information with any text editor. Thus, you can view and analyze simulation results without using application tools.

We do not recommend you to edit files with simulation results. Otherwise, the appication is not able to load them and you have to conduct the simulation again.

The application stores files with evacuation simulation results for a scenario until you run a new simulation in this scenario. Changing evacuation simulation parameters, editing objects or moving people on the scene does not modify or delete files with evacuation simulation results. If you make changes to the scenario and close the project without running a new simulation, when you open the project again the application displays the evacuation results from the previous simulation that do not reflect the changes you have made to the scenario since that time.

Viewing general information on evacuation simulation results

To view general information on the evacuation simulation results, open the Simulation results tab and then switch to the Evacuation simulation results tab. As a result, the summary information on the current scenario, all exits and registering devices are displayed.

Select the desired registering device or exit in the table. On the right side of the window, a graph is constructed, that shows the number of people who passed through this registering device or exit dependency on time.

Evacuation Simulation Results For Scenario 1. Viewing the number of people who passed through the registering device

If a registering device is selected, you can also view the intensity of the human flow movement. To do this, go to the corresponding tab.

Evacuation Simulation Results For Scenario 1. Viewing the intensity of human flow movement, people/min

Evacuation Simulation Results For Scenario 1. Viewing the intensity of human flow movement, people/(m*min)

Evacuation Simulation Results For Scenario 1. Viewing the intensity of human flow movement, m/min

If the fields of the table display “not used” for some registering devices, it means that no people passed through these registering devices during the evacuation simulation.

Evacuation Simulation Results For Scenario 1

When you select a room, a graph showing the number of people in it is displayed on the right side of the window.

View the number of people in the room

If the graph is not displayed on the right side of the window, make sure that you have selected a room or registering device in the calculation results table.

Visualizing the fire dynamics simulation

To visualize the fire dynamics simulation, use the visualization panel.

To display the visualization panel, click the button on the additional toolbar.

Visualization panel

The visualization panel is intended for visualization of evacuation as well as fire dynamics simulation results. To visualize the evacuation simulation results, select the Evacuation results option and click the button.

For more information on visualization panel, see Visualization Tab.