Evacuation Simulation Parameters

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The applicatopn allows you to to set such evacuation modeling parameters as the method for determining the evacuation start time (not available for a universal project) and the threshold parameters of people’s movement paths.

Evacuation Start Time

There are three ways to set the evacuation start time:

  1. According to the methodology(used by default).
  2. Manually with methodology priority. The evacuation start time is determined according to the methodology for all people except those who are on a floor or in a room for which a specific evacuation start time is indicated.
  3. Manually. The evacuation start time is determined individually for each person. This method is the only one available in the universal type of project.

To select a method for setting the evacuation start time, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Simulation | Evacuation Simulation Parameters.
  2. Select the desired scenario.
  3. Choose the method of setting the evacuation start time on the Evcacuation start time tab. The appearance of the tab varies for civilian and industrial facilities. For details on how the evacuation start time is determined in both cases,see Evacuation Start Time.
  4. Click Apply.

Selecting a Method for Setting the Evacuation Start Time for Civilian Facilities

Selecting a Method for Setting the Evacuation Start Time for Industrial Facilities{width=100%}

You can set evcacuation start time for halls in industrial facilities to zero, if the fire source is located indoors.

Evacuation Routes

People movement routes and exits with a height of less than 1.9 meters and a width of less than 0.7 meters are not taken into account when compiling an evacuation calculation scheme, except for cases established in fire safety regulations.

This requirement is applied in the application automatically. Therefore, if the distance between two obstacles is less than 0.7 meters, or there are obstacles in the path of movement at a height of less than 1.9 meters, then people will not proceed there.

In some cases it is necessary to set up specific parameters of the evacuation routes. For example, if there is a turnstile on the evacuation route.

To set up the evacuation route parameters, do the following:

  1. Navigate to Simulation | Evacuation Simulation Parameters.
  2. Switch to the Evacuation Routes tab.
  3. Select the desired scenario.
  4. Enter the desired parameter values.
  5. Click Apply.

Evacuation Routes Parameters

Simulation Control

When the Interrupt simulation, when people remain in the high-density flow for a long time option is selected, the application automatically interrupts simulation when people are located in the high-density human flow longer than the specified period of time.

You can specify the critical density of the human flow and define the maximum time period during which people are located in the high-density human flow.

When the evacuation simulation is interrupted, you can analyze evacuation results and make necessary changes to the scenario, so that people spend less time in the high-density human flow.

Simulation Control

According to the methodology for determining the individual fire risk for buildings of various fire danger classes, if the duration of congestion (human flow density exceeds 0.5 m²/m²) exceeds 6 minutes, then the probability of evacuation equals zero. These values are used by default.

Therefore, if at any point of the simulation the duration of congestion exceeds 6 minutes, there is no need to continue the evacuation simulation, as the fire risk will most likely exceed the maximum threshold value, and it is necessary to develop additional fire safety measures.

Regardless of the critical people flow density values and maximum threshold time set in the evacuation simulation parameters, the application always uses a density of 0.5 m²/m² when calculating fire risk to determine the duration of congestion.

Transporting People with Limited Mobility

On this tab, the method of forming pairs from staff (rescue teams) for transporting people with limited mobility is determined. For details, see Transporting people with limited mobility. There are two options for forming teams:

  • On the Same Floor - teams are formed from staff located on the same floor. This is the default value.
  • On any Floor - teams are formed from staff located on any floor.

For example, the building has 3 floors and there are 5 staff members on each floor.

  • In the case of selecting the On the same floor option, 2 teams are formed on each floor. The 5th staff member on each floor will not participate in rescuing people with limited mobility. Thus, out of 15 staff members, 6 rescue teams are formed. 3 staff members will not participate in the rescue of people with limited mobility. The formed teams only rescue those people with limited mobility who are on the same floor as the staff members comprising the team.
  • In the case of selecting the On any floor option, 2 teams are formed on each floor, consisting of staff from that floor. Additionally, one team is formed, consisting of one person from one floor and another person from a different floor. Thus, out of 15 staff members, 7 rescue teams are formed. 1 staff member will not participate in the rescue of people with limited mobility. The teams will rescue people with limited mobility located on any floor, giving priority to those people with limited mobility who are on the same floor as the team’s staff. This means that if a team is formed by staff located on the 3rd floor, it will first rescue people with limited mobility on the 3rd floor, and only after all the people with limited mobility from the third floor are rescued, the team will rescue people with limited mobility from other floors.

A necessary condition for combining two staff members into a team is their mutual accessibility. That is, there must be a path between them along which they can come to each other.

Choosing a Method for Forming Pairs from Staff