
Reading time

With the Waypoint tool you can create waypoints on the scene.

Using waypoints, you can define an arbitrary movement route for a person.

To create a waypoint on the scene, do the following:

  1. Click the button to activate the Waypoint tool.
  2. If necessary, specify the positioning level of the waypoint in the tool options.
  3. Press the LMB on the scene to specify the location of waypoints.

Creating Waypoints on the Scene{width=60%}

To use waypoints for evacuation simulation of a person or a group of people, do the following:

  1. Activate the Selector tool and select a desired person or a group of people on the scene.

  2. Click Waypoints in the Selector tool options.

Opening the Waypoint Configuration Window{width=40%}

  1. Specify the order in which people go through waypoints. For this, select a waypoint from the dropdown list and click Add. The name of the first waypoint becomes displayed in the right part of the window. Repeat this procedure to add other wayponts.

Selecting Waypoints{width=80%}

  1. Use the up and down arrow buttons in the right part of the window to define the order in which people go through waypoints. If necessary, use the button to delete waypoints.

Defining the Order in which People go through Waypoints{width=80%}

  1. Click Apply to save changes.