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The Stairway tool allows to draw a stairway on the scene.

To activate the Stairway tool, click the button on the toolbar or navigate to Tools | Drawing | Stairway.

You can also use the Alt + R hot key.

In Fenix+ 3 application, there are the following methods for creating stairways:

  1. Creating a standard (two-flight) stairway.
  2. Creating a a custom-shaped stairway from a set of stair landings and flights.
  3. Creating a spiral stairway.

To create a standard stairway, do the following:

  1. Click the Standard tab.
  2. If necessary, specify the flight width, the landing width and other parameters.
  3. Select the direction of stairway ascent.
  4. Press the LMB (mark 1) to begin drawing a line that determines the length of the stair landing.
  5. Move the mouse pointer in the desired direction to draw a line segment.
  6. Press the LMB (mark 2) to finish drawing the line segment.
  7. Move the mouse pointer along a line perpendicular to the line segment to determine the width of the landing.
  8. Press the LMB (mark 3) to set the width of the landing.
  9. Move the mouse pointer to determine the width and length of the flights in the projection.
  10. Press the LMB (mark 4) to finish drawing the stairway.

Selecting Parameters of a Standard Stairway

Creation of a Standard Stairway. Marks 1-4

In order to quickly create a standard stairway on the scene, it is recommended to specify the width and/or length of the flight in the projection immediately before you begin to create the stairway. To do this, select the corresponding option and enter a desired value. As a result, during the creation of the stairway, the application automatically creates the flight in accordance with specified dimensions.

The Width and Length of the Flight in the Projection{width=60%}

During the creation of the landing, you define the direction of the stairs.

During the creation of flights, use the Space button, to change the direction of the stair or ramp. The direction of ascent is indicated by arrows on the flights. For a stair flight, the direction of the arrow shows the direction of ascent, and for a ramp, it indicates the direction of descent.

The upper level of the landing is located exactly in the middle of the floor.

To create a custom-shaped stairway, it is necessary to draw one or several flights and landings on the scene with corresponding parameters. A stairway is created correctly if the upper level of the landing is located on the same level with the upper or lower level of the flight, and the edges of the flight are adjacent to the edges of the landing.

To create a flight, do the following:

  1. Click the Flight tab.
  2. Select the type of the flight: Stairway, Ramp.
  3. Select the direction of ascent for the stairway.
  4. If necessary, specify the width of the flight and other parameters.
  5. Press the LMB (mark 1) to begin drawing a line segment that determines the width of the flight.
  6. Move the mouse pointer in the desired direction to draw a line segment.
  7. Press the LMB (mark 2) to finish drawing a line segment.
  8. Move the mouse pointer to set the length of the flight in the projection.
  9. Press the LMB (mark 3) to complete the flight.

Creation of the Flight. Marks 1-3{width=60%}

In order to quickly create a flight of stairs on the scene, it is recommended to specify the width and/or length of the flight in the projection immediately before you begin to create it. To do this, select the corresponding option and enter a desired value. As a result, during the creation of the flight of stairs, the application automatically creates the flight in accordance with specified dimensions.

If before creating a flight of stairs you specify the flight width and/or length in the projection, then during the creation of the flight, you can use the Space key, to change the location of mark 1. If you specify both parameters or only the flight width, then mark 3 can be located in the following places: flight angle / middle of the flight / opposite flight angle. If you specify only the flight length in the projection, then mark 3 can be located in the following places: the flight angle / opposite flight angle.

During the creation of the line segment which determines the flight width, you can select the direction of the flight.

During the creation of the flight of stairs you can use the Shift + Space hot key to change direction of ascent for the stairway or ramp. The direction of ascent is indicated by arrows on the flights. For a stair flight, the direction of the arrow shows the direction of ascent, while for a ramp, it indicates the direction of descent.

To create a landing, do the following:

  1. Click the Landing tab.
  2. If necessary, specify the width and other parameters of the landing.
  3. Press the LMB (mark 1) to begin drawing a line segment that determines the width of the landing.
  4. Move the mouse pointer in the desired direction to create a line segment.
  5. Press the LMB (mark 2) to finish drawing the line segment.
  6. Move the mouse pointer along a line perpendicular to the line segment to create another line segment that determines the length of the landing.
  7. Press the LMB (mark 3) to finish drawing the line segment.
  8. Move the mouse pointer to create a line segment that defines the width of the other side of the landing.
  9. Press the LMB (mark 4) to finish drawing the line segment.
  10. Press the RMB (mark 5) to finish drawing the landing.

Selecting Landing Parameters

Creation of the Landing. Marks 1-5{width=60%}

To create a spiral stairway, you need to switch to the Spiral tab and specify desired parameters.

Parameters of a Spiral Stairway

When you press the LMB for the first time, you define the center of the stairway. After the center is selected, a single round of spiral stairway is displayed (360°), drawn in accordance with specified parameters and the radius equal to the distance from the center of the stairway to the current position of the pointer.

Procedure For Spiral Stairway Construction. Results After Pressing he LMB for the First Time{width=70%}

When you press the LMB for the second time, you fix the selected radius. After that, you need to select the angle of the spiral stairway.

Procedure for Creating a Spiral Stairway. Results After Pressing the LMB For The Second Time{width=70%}

When you press the LMB for the third time, you fix the angle of the stairs and complete the drawing.

Procedure for Creating a Spiral Stairway{width=70%}

On escape routes, the following is not permitted: the arrangement of curved stairways, stairs with winders, steps with varying tread widths, split-level stair landings, except for curved stairways leading from service areas (excluding buildings of medical institutions) with an occupancy of no more than 5 people, and curved grand stairways when they meet the requirements of this building of this building’s evacuating code for stairs and stairwells, as well as except in cases provided by regulatory documents on fire safety. If it is necessary to create stairs on escape routes that do not meet the specified requirements, they should not be considered for use in evacuating people in case of a fire and must be blocked off.

You can arrange registering devices in the area where standard (two-flight) stairways and custom-shaped stairways are located. For this, select the desired flight of the required stairway and then select the With registering device option (for more information, see Registering Device).

If a stairway does not act as a barrier to the spread of dangerous fire factors, it can be disregarded during fire dynamics simulation (for more details, see Ignoring Objects in Fire Dynamics Simulation).