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The Selector tool allows you to select one or several objects on the scene, view their properties, modify their shape and location on the scene.

Using the Selector tool, you can select any objects on the scene except for the underlay (floor background image). The floor background image can only be selected in the project tree. For more information about the floor background image, see Floor Background Image.

You can copy, cut and delete selected objects. For details, see Copying, Pasting And Deleting Objects.

To activate the Selector tool, click the button on the toolbar or navigate to Tools | Selector.

You can also use the Alt + B hot key.

With the Selector tool, you can select objects:

— with a rectangular area. To start drawing: press the Left Mouse Button (LMB), drag, press LMB. To finish drawing: drag, press LMB.

— with a freeform area. To start drawing: press the LMB, drag, repeat these actions. To finish drawing: press Right Mouse Button (RMB).

Click the desired object to select it. To select multiple objects of the same or different types, click these objects while holding the Ctrl key.

To cancel the selection, use the Esc key.

You can view or edit properties of the selected objects using the properties table. If multiple objects of different types are selected, you can choose a desired object type the properties of which you want to display from the toolbar.

Viewing an Object’s Properties Using the Selector Tool

Viewing Properties of Multiple Objects

In the properties table, you can also view or change the properties of several selected objects of one type (for example, people, solids) that belong to an object of another type (for example, a room).

If several objects of the same type are selected on the scene, then only properties that are common for all of them are displayed.

To change the geometric shape of a selected object, use the editing markers located at specific points of the object. Editing markers are displayed only if a single object is selected.

To change the location of the selected object or several selected objects on the scene, click and hold the LMB on this object or one of the selected objects and move it in the desired direction, while holding the button down.

Moving the Object with the Selector Tool{width=60%}