Registering Device

Reading time

To use the Registering device tool, press the Alt + H hot key.

Using this tool, you can place the registering device at any point on the scene. The registering device is used to collect information about fire dynamics, the dynamics of people’s movement, and determining the evacuation time of people at the location where it is placed. By default, the wall mounting height of the registering device is 1.7 meters from the floor.

To activate the Registering device tool, click the button.

Registering Device Tool Options

As a rule, you place standalone registering devices to collect information along the escape routes. However, do not place registering devices at the location of a doorway. In such a case, it is recommended to mark that a registering device location coincides with a door’s location. For more information, see Door.

Placing the Registering Device in the Doorway: the Correct Variant is Above; the Wrong Variant is Below{width=30%}

The picture below shows a side view for both location variants. The standalone registering device is on the left, and the door with the registering device is on the right.

Placing the Registering Device in a Doorway{width=50%}

It is also not recommended to place a standalone registering device at the location of a staircase (except for spiral staircases) for collecting information. Otherwise, you must mark that a registering device is placed at the staircase’s location. For details, see Stairway. In this case, the registering devices are displayed at the lower and upper parts of the stair flight.

A Stairway with the Registering Device (Recommended Option){width=65%}

At the locations of spiral staircases, standalone registering devices must be installed.

Measuring dangerous fire factors

You can measure dangerous fire factors at control points which are located on a registering device. Control points are placed with a density of 1 point per 1 meter.

When placing a registering device at the location of a doorway, control points are placed on both sides of the door (one point on each side).

In each control point on the registering device, the following dangerous fire factors are measured:

  • Temperature
  • Heat flux
  • Visibility
  • Oxygen concentration $O_2$
  • Carbon dioxide $CO_2$ concentration
  • Carbon monoxide $CO$ concentration
  • Hydrogen chloride $HCI$ concentration

If a certain dangerous fire factor reaches the critical value in all control points at the same time, then the registering device becomes blocked. The moment of time when this happens is considered the blocking time of the registering device.

If a certain dangerous fire factor reaches the critical value in all control points located on the one side of the door, then the registering device becomes blocked.

You can specify the desired critical visibility value for any standalone registering device, as well as any door with a registering device. For this, use the Visibility option in the object properties.

By default, the critical visibility value for a registering device is 20 meters. However, in the case when both horizontal linear dimensions of the room are less than 20 meters, the maximum permissible distance for visibility loss must be considered equal to the largest horizontal linear dimension.

Measuring evacuation time

The application allows to collect information about the number of people that go through registering devices. The moment when the last person goes through the registering device is called the evacuation time.

Thus, every registering device allows to detemine the probabilty of the secure evacuation of people in the place of its location.