Measuring device

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Measuring device - a special element designed to save the fields of dangerous fire factors (DFF). Dangerous fire factor fields are formed in planes perpendicular to the X, Y, and Z coordinate axes, at the point of the measuring device placement. The measuring device also allows you to separately save data about changes in DFF at the point of its location.

To place a measuring device, activate the Registering device tool and then click the button. For more information, see the section Registering Device

Registering Device Tool Options{width=50%}

Before placing the measuring device, you need to set the level at which it should be located and select the required planes for constructing dangerous fire factor fields. After that, you can place the measuring device by pressing the LMB at the desired point on the scene.

The appearance of the measuring device is on the picture below.

The Appearance of the Tool{width=50%}

To display the planes in which dangerous fire factor are constructed, the following color indicators are used:

  • Red indicator - a plane perpendicular to the X-axis;

  • Green indicator - a plane perpendicular to the Y-axis;

  • Blue indicator - a plane perpendicular to the Z-axis.

If it is not necessary to save dangerous fire factor fields in a plane, the corresponding indicator is displayed in gray.

The Appearance of the Measuring Device on the Scene{width=50%}

You can view dangerous fire factor fields using the Smokeview application. For details, see Fire Dynamics Simulation Results.