
Reading time

The Exit tool allows you to place an exit on the scene.

To activate the Exit tool, click the button or use the Alt + E hot key.

You draw an exit on the scene using the Polygon primitive. For this, do the following:

  1. Select a location on the scene where you want to place the exit.
  2. Outline the contour of the exit, marking the points of the contour using the LMB.
  3. Click the RMB to complete the contour construction.

An exit is the area in the scenario through which people can evacuate. For the exit, you can define which mobility groups of people can use it for evacuation. By default, people of all mobility groups (M1 - M4) can use the exit for evacuation. If necessary, you can prohibit certain mobility groups to use the exit. For this, select the exit on the scene using the Selector tool and uncheck the boxes next to the mobility groups for which the exit must be inaccessible.

The applicatopn allows you to quickly see what profiles of people can use the exit for evacuation. For this, use the Selector tool to select the desired exit on the scene. People who use this exit for evacuation are automatically highlighted on the scene. In this case, the selected exit must be explicitly indicated for these people (for example, Exit 1). If it is specified that a person must evacuate through the Nearest exit (meaning a specific exit is not designated), then even if the nearest exit on the scene is selected, such a person is not highlighted.

The color of the exit varies depending on the selected mobility groups of people who can evacuate through it:

  • The green exit is available to people of all mobility groups;
  • The pink exit is not available to people of one or more mobility groups;
  • The red exit is not available to people of all mobility groups.

An exit that is unavailable to people of all mobility groups is considered blocked. Evacuation through such an exit is impossible.

Exit is available to М1, М2 Mobility Groups{width=50%}

Exit is blocked{width=50%}

Options for Displaying Exits on the Scene{width=70%}

It is highly not recommended to block exits by placing other objects in front of them (e.g., walls, solid objects). Otherwise, people can attempt to bypass such obstacles, which could lead to the simulation ending with a Looping status. For more information, see Problems That May Occur During the Evacuation Simulation.

Do not make the exit too small.

When placing exits on the scene, it is necessary to consider the requirements for the number and parameters of exits. It is important to remember that exits that do not meet these requirements may be considered as emergency exits and are only provided to enhance the safety of people in case of fire. Emergency exits are not taken into account when evacuating people in the event of a fire.