You can use snaps to create objects precisely where you want them to be located on the scene.
You can set up multiple snapping options. For this, navigate to Tools | Bindings| Settings or use the Ctrl + Shift + A hot key.
You can enable or disable all snapping options at the same time using the F4 key.
Below is the descripton of all snapping options available in the application.
Polar Tracking
With Polar tracking option, you can draw horizontal lines, vertical lines and 45 degree lines which pass through the last specified point.
With Grid option, you can snap to points of intersection of grid lines.
With Vertex option, you can snap to the vertex of any object.
With Midpoint option, you can snap to the midpoint of any object.
With Normal option, you can draw a line at an 90 degree angle.
With Nearest option, you can snap to any point of any object.
With Center option, you can snap to the center of any circle or arc.
Using this option, you can also snap to the midpoint of any polyline.
Snapping to the nearest point positioned on an arc or circle at an angle of 0°, 90°, 180°, or 270°.
The Extension option allows you to snap to the endpoint of any object.
If the* **Normal** and **Extension** options are activated at the same time, you can draw a line at an 90 degree angle which snaps to the endpoint of the object.
You can snap to points of a certain object only when this object is partly or fully visible on the scene.