Floor Background Image

Reading time

To activate the Floor Background Image tool, use the Alt + S hot key.

The Floor Background Image tool is used to display the floor background image (for more information, see Importing a Floor Background Image). If the tool is activated, you see the background image of the current floor (the one which is selected in the Scenario browser) or all background images which have been imported for the floors in the scenario (provided the building is selected in the scenario browser).

Floor Background Image Tool Button

When you activate the floor background image tool, floor background images are displayed not only in the scene editor but also in reports. If you deactivate the tool (backgrounds hidden), the backgrounds are not displayed in the report images. However, if the tool is active, the backgrounds are displayed in the report images.

You can move the floor background image like any other object on the scene. For this, select the floor background image in the scenario browser, click it and holding the left mouse button move the image to the desired position. You can only select the backgrond image in the project tree.

Floor Background Image Selected in the Scenario Browser

In the image above, the floor background image is selected in the project tree. The red frame around the image is the sign that the image is selected and you can move it.

In case background images for different floors are imported into the project, you should first select the floor, whose background image you need to move, and after that select the floor background image.

Aligning Floor Background Images on Different Floors

Sometimes you need to align floor background images on different floors. For this, do the following:

  1. Create a reference object on the floor, which contains the floor background image.
  2. Copy the reference object to the required floor (its copy will be located at the same place as the original object).
  3. Move the background against the reference object. To improve accuracy, use Snaps.

When importing background images for different floors of the building, the application can automatically align all imported images. Using this feature, you do not need to manually align background images in the scene editor. For more information, see Importing a Floor Background Image.

Background Image Display Quality

If you use a high-quality image as the background image for the floor, then it may require a large amount of computer resources (in particular, RAM). This can lead to difficulties in working with the application.

To prevent this, you can reduce the display quality of the background image.

For this, select the floor background image in the project tree and change the Resolution parameter (number of pixels per meter) in the properties table. Changing the resolution parameter affects the quality of the floor background image.

Floor Background Properties

There is the upper threshold value that you can specify for the resolution parameter. This value depends on the scale of the floor background image and the resolution of the original image. If you try to enter a value greater than the threshold value, the threshold value is used.

By default, you import all image backgrounds with the resolution of 25 pixels per meter.

Background Image Opacity

By default, all floor background images are partially transparent so that all objects on the floor (if there is any) are visible.

By default, the Opacity parameter is set 0.7. If you set this parameter to 1, the image becomes completely opaque. Setting the parameter to 0, makes the image fully transparent.

The disadvantage of a transparent background image is that it is dim.

If there are no objects under the bacjground, or you do not need them to be visible on the scene, then you can make the background image completely opaque (Opacity is 1), which makes it brighter and more comprehensible.