Exporting a Scenario To FDS Source File

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Sometimes, before running a fire dynamics simulation you may need to use FDS functionality, which is not available in Fenix+ 3 application. For this, you need to export a desired scenario to the FDS source data file and make necessary changes to it. After that, you can run a fire dynamics simulation using third-party software.

The FDS source data file does not contain information about the evacuation component of the scenario.

To perform export successfully, the scenario must contain registering devices, the fire source and the calculation area. Otherwise, the export will fail.

To export a scenario to the FDS source data file, do the following:

  1. Open a desired project. For more information, see Opening a Previously Created Project.
  2. Right-click the desired scenario name in the list and in the menu that opens, select Export to FDS.

Exporting a Scenario to the FDS Source Data File

  1. In the dialog box that opens, specify a destination folder in which you want to store the FDS source data file, and click OK.

By default, the application prompts to save the FDS file to the folder where fire dinamics simulation results are stored. For more information, see Project Directory Structure.

When exporting the scenario to the FDS source data file, you cannot change the name of the generated file. By default, the name of the generated file is the same as the name of the scenario.

The FDS source data file is created.

The application does not allow you to export the scenario to the selected folder again. If it is necessary to repeat the export of the scenario to an FDS source data file, change the destination folder where the resulting file will be saved.