Configuring Building Properties

Reading time

To configure building properties, do the following:

  1. Select a scenario.
  2. Right-click the name of the desired building in the scenario browser and select Properties .
  3. The window that opens displays the building properties for this scenario. Make the required changes if necessary.
  4. To save changes, click Apply. Changes are applied only for the current scenario.

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You can set building properties at any stage of working on the project.

The building properties specified in the scenario affect the evacuation time of people from the building.

Name. This parameter is used to specify the name of the building in the project.

Evacuation start time. Determines the evacuation start time of people from the building. For details, see Evacuation Start Time.

Alarm delay. Determines the delay time for the evacuation start, associated with the delay in notifying people in case of a fire. For more details, see Evacuation Start Time.