To configure object paste settings in the application, navigate to Tools | Settings. The following window opens.
In the Fenix+ 3 application, there are two modes for pasting objects on the scene:
- At the center of the scene editor - when pasting, object copies are placed on the scene so that they are in the center of the scene editor.
- With fixed offset - when pasting, object copies are placed on the scene with an offset along the X, Y and Z axes relative to the position of the objects themselves. The offset along each axes is specified in the corresponding field.
To ensure that when pasting walls copied from other floors, their height is adjusted (decreased or increased) in accordance with the height of the floor to which copying occurs, check the Adjust the height of walls according to the height of the floor checkbox. If the height of the wall differs from the height of the floor from which copying occurs, then no adjustment occurs.
To save changes, click Apply.