Installing the Application

Reading time

To install Fenix+ 3 application, do the following:

  1. Download the application installation package in your personal account in the My Products section.

To download the installation package, you must first register at the Developer’s Website.

  1. Double-click on the distribution file to start the installation wizard. In the window that opens, click the Next button.

Start installing the Fenix+ 3 application{width=80%}

  1. In the next window, read the license agreement and click the Next button.

License Agreement{width=80%}

  1. Select the application installation directory and click Next.

Selecting the application installation directory{width=80%}

  1. Specify the folder where the installation wizard will create shortcuts and links for quick access, which may be needed when working with the application.

Selecting a folder for shortcuts{width=80%}

  1. In the next window, specify whether to create a desktop shortcut for quick start of the application.

Create a desktop shortcut for the Fenix+ 3 application{width=80%}

  1. Click the Install button. The installation of the application begins.

Fenix+ 3 application installation confirmation{width=80%}

Installing the Fenix+ 3 application{width=80%}

  1. To close the installation wizard window, click the Finish button.

Completing the installation of the Fenix+ 3 application{width=80%}