By default, the application executable file and other files required for running the application are installed in the following folder: C:\Program Files\MST\Fenix+ 3.
User projects are stored by default in the following folder: C:\Users\USERNAME\My Documents.
Sample demo projects are stored in the following folder: C:\ProgramData\Fenix Demonstration Project.
Reference of materials and people groups are stored in the following folder: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\MST\Fenix+ 3\DataBases.
User reports are stored in the following folder: C:\Users\USERNAME\My_documents\Progect_name\Report.
Application documentation is stored in the following folder: C:\Program Files\MST\Fenix+\Manuals.
Application updates are downloaded and stored in the following folder: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\MST\Fenix+ 3\Updates.
User demo projects are stored in the same folders where original projects are located.
You cannot change the location of the sample demo projects, the materials references, and people groups.