Scenario Browser

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The scenario browser is used to display objects, that are contained in the current scenario.

If a project contains several scenarios, then the number and types of objects in these scenarios may differ. For more information, see Creating a New Scenario.

Fenix+ 3 application provides 2 types of the scenario structure: hierarchical tree and component tree. In the hierarchical tree, all scenario objects are presented as a separate structure (a building or a master plan and several buildings) in accordance with their location relative to each other on the scene, for example, a floor includes stairs, floor slabs, rooms, etc., and a room includes people, solids, etc. In the component tree, all scenario objects are grouped by type (for example: floors, walls, windows, doors).

Hierarchical tree (on the left) / Component tree (on the right){width=60%}

Depending on the type of the open project, the hierarchical tree structure may differ from the one shown.

In each scenario browser you can perform the following actions:

  • Move between linked nodes and elements using the arrow keys on the keyboard;
  • Open and close linked nodes using the Enter key;
  • Select a linked node or element by left-clicking;
  • Select multiple linked nodes and/or elements by left-clicking and holding down the Ctrl key;
  • Deselect linked nodes and/or elements using the Esc key;
  • Scroll the tree up/down using the mouse wheel;
  • Change the names of linked nodes and elements using the F2 key;
  • Delete linked nodes and elements from the scenario using the Delete key.

When you try to delete an element (for example, a wall) that is featured in the topology of the current scenario, but also belongs to the topologies of other scenarios in the project, the Fenix+ 3 application displays the corresponding information message and prompts to delete the element only for the current scenario or for all scenarios, where this element is used.

When you try to delete a linked node that contains various elements, the Fenix+ 3 application displays the corresponding information message and prompts choosing whether to delete only the node itself or whether to also delete all the elements in it.