Report Creation Takes Too Long
The time required to create a report depends on the number of scenarios and the number of objects in each scenario. People and registering devices play the most significant role, especially if the report includes Appendices 1 and 2, which provide detailed information about each person and registering device.
Problems that may occur when transferring a project to another PC
There are two important things you need to know when you transfer a project file from one PC to another:
- Prior to applicatation version x.0.66, information about the materials used in the project was not saved in the project. This information is stored in the following folder C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\
MST\FenixPlus\DataBases. - Floor background images are not stored in project files. Such files are stored in the Images folder, which is located next to the project file.
Therefore, when opening a project created on another PC in a application version x.0.65 or older, two problems may appear:
- The project does not contain information about material properties used in the project.
- The project does not contain floor background images.
Project does not contain information about material properties
If the project uses materials that are not in the user material database, then when opening the project a message appears that the material is not in the database, and the material is created with default parameters. Generally, after that it is possible to continue working.
However, before starting the fire dynamics simulation, you need to set parameters for this material. Otherwise, the simulation results are unreliable.
Therefore, immediately after opening the project, it is recommended to set the material properties. For more details, see Material Editor.
In order to avoid getting a message about missing materials, you can copy all the files from the DataBases folder from one PC to another before launching Fenix+ 3 application and opening the project.
The parameters of materials and profiles of people used in the project are stored within the project itself. If, upon opening the project, the parameters of a material or people profile differ from the properties of the corresponding element (material or people profile) in the application’s directory, you are prompted to choose which values to use. To do this, you need to left-click on one or several highlighted values that must be used, and click the Apply Selected Values button.
The button Apply selected values is inactive until all inconsistencies are resolved.An attempt to close the window leads to a warning about the need to addrress all inconsistencies.
To apply all values from the project at once, you need to use the Apply values from project button. To apply all values from the directory at once, you need to use the Apply values from directory button.
After this, you need to confirm the action in the dialog box.
If any material or people profile used in the project is missing in the application directory, they are added there, and a corresponding entry is made in the event log.
There are no floor background images
If the project uses floor background images, then when opening the project, Fenix+ 3 application tries to find them in the Images folder, which is located next to the project file. If there is no image file, then when opening the project, substitute background images are displayed instead of the original background images, and substitute background files are created in the Images folder.
In the project itself, information about the background images is stored. If you later replace the substitute background images with real background images, then they will be successfully processed when opening the project.
The picture below shows the substitute background image, which is displayed if the original background image is not found.