Searching For Objects

Reading time 2 мин

To find an object on the scene, do the following:

  1. Enter the object’s full name or its part in the search field.
  2. If necessary, click the button and and in the menu that opens, select the type of elements among which you want to search.
  3. Click Enter.

Search Window

Search Window

If elements with the specified name exist in the scenario, the view of the scene changes so that the found elements are centered in the scene editor. Such elements are highlighted. If the found elements are located on the same floor, then the floor where these elements are located becomes active. If the found elements are located on different floors, then the entire scene is displayed in the scene editor.

The search dropdown list contains only those element types, which are located on the scene.

If no element type is selected, then the search is performed for all element types.

If the search box is left blank, the application searches for all elements of the selected type.

If the element name is enclosed in quotation marks (for example, “Person 15”), then the application searches for an element, which name matches the search criteria precisely.

For example, a search query for Person 15 finds elements with names Person 15, Person 151, Person 1515, and etc.

However, if you use “Person 15” as the search criteria, only one element with the name Person 15 is found.