Measuring of Dangerous Fire Factors on the Object Surfaces

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In projects of the universal type, the Fenix+ 3 application allows you to measure the DFF on the object surfaces. By default, the application stores heat flow and structural surface temperature data only for objects made of combustible materials that are located in a building that does not have a fire. To measure the DFF on the surface of other objects, select the desired object on the scene and in the properties of this object, check the Measure DDF on the surface option.

To view the calculation results, you need to run the fire dynamics simulation. For details, see Starting and Stopping Fire Dynamics Simulation. After that switch to the Results tab.

On the Heat Flux tab, the left side of the window displays a table with calculation results (values for critical heat flow (qcrit), threshold heat flow (qthres) and incident heat flow (qinc)), for all objects on the surface of which DFFs are measured. The right side of the window displays a graph of changes in the incident heat flux density.

Heat Flow Measuring

On the Structure Temperature tab, the left side of the window displays a table with the calculation results for the maximum temperature of structures for all objects on the surfaces of which DFFs are measured. The right side of the window displays a graph showing temperature changes.

Measuring the Structure Temperature