Door and Window

Reading time

In Fenix+ 3, the Door and Window elements are categorized as Material Elements, and, with a few exceptions, all rules applicable to Material Elements also apply to them.

Unlike other Material Elements, the Door and Window elements are converted into a set of OBST elements in the FDS file with some specifics.

A door is considered open if the “With a Closer” or “Fireproof” property is disabled. An open door is simply an opening in the wall and is not assigned any OBST elements in the FDS file.

Door and Window in Fenix+ 3{width=40%}

Door and Window in Smokeview{width=60%}

In the FDS file, the Door and Window can be represented by code similar to the following:



&SURF ID='6' THICKNESS=0.05 RGB=0,0,205 MATL_ID='5'/

“Building 1” - “Door 1”

&OBST XB=5,5,3.75,4,0,2 SURF_ID='6' RGB=50,205,50/

&OBST XB=5,5.25,3.75,3.75,0,2 SURF_ID='6' RGB=50,205,50/

&OBST XB=5.25,5.25,3.5,3.75,0,2 SURF_ID='6' RGB=50,205,50/

&OBST XB=5.25,5.5,3.5,3.5,0,2 SURF_ID='6' RGB=50,205,50/

&OBST XB=5.5,5.5,3.25,3.5,0,2 SURF_ID='6' RGB=50,205,50/



&SURF ID='8' THICKNESS=0.01 RGB=154,204,255 MATL_ID='7'/

“Building 1” - “Window 1”

&OBST XB=5.75,5.75,2.75,3,1,2 SURF_ID='8' TRANSPARENCY=0.75 RGB=102,102,255/

&OBST XB=5.75,6,2.75,2.75,1,2 SURF_ID='8' TRANSPARENCY=0.75 RGB=102,102,255/

&OBST XB=6,6,2.5,2.75,1,2 SURF_ID='8' TRANSPARENCY=0.75 RGB=102,102,255/

&OBST XB=6,6.25,2.5,2.5,1,2 SURF_ID='8' TRANSPARENCY=0.75 RGB=102,102,255/

&OBST XB=6.25,6.25,2.25,2.5,1,2 SURF_ID='8' TRANSPARENCY=0.75 RGB=102,102,255/

In Fenix+ 3, the thickness of Door and Window is always 0.05 m and 0.01 m, respectively. In practice, Calculation Areas with a significantly larger cell size are usually used, when the “Consider Leaks” option is disabled. That is why Door and Window are represented in the FDS file using zero-thickness OBST elements. The thickness of Door and Window is specified using the THICKNESS parameter in the SURF parameter group.

The Window element always appears semi-transparent in Smokeview. To achieve this, the TRANSPARENCY=0.75 parameter is specified in the OBST parameter group.

In the example, the Window Glass material is selected, and its absorption coefficient is set to zero (the ABSORPTION_COEFFICIENT parameter in the MATL parameter group is set to zero).

The transparency of the element when viewing the model in Smokeview is set by the TRANSPARENCY parameter in the OBST parameter group and does not affect the simulation results. The transparency of the object for radiation is controlled by the ABSORPTION_COEFFICIENT parameter. It is important to distinguish between the two.

Account for leaks

The Door and Window elements have a “Account for Leaks” option, which is described in the Leakage Simulation section.

Individual Parameters of the Door Element

Selecting the With registering device parameter places the registering device on the Door element. This is described in detail in the Registering Device section.

In a fire simulation, the Door With a Closer is initially closed. However, it opens for the duration of occupants passing through if an evacuation simulation has been conducted before the fire simulation. After occupants have passed, the Door With a Closer will close after the time specified in the Closing Time parameter of the Door element. By default, this time is set to 25 seconds.

Closing Time for Door With a Closer

If a closing time of 25 seconds is selected for the door, the following code appears in the FDS file:

&OBST XB=-1,0,4,4,0,2 RGB=255,204,102 CTRL_ID='3'/


&RAMP ID='4' FYI='Dver 2 ramp' T=6.5 F=-1/

&RAMP ID='4' FYI='Dver 2 ramp' T=8.5 F=1/

&RAMP ID='4' FYI='Dver 2 ramp' T=31.9 F=1/

&RAMP ID='4' FYI='Dver 2 ramp' T=33.9 F=-1/

Here the time of 7.5 seconds corresponds to the moment when the first occupant passes through, and 32.9 seconds corresponds to 25 seconds after the last occupant has passed through. At the first moment, the OBST disappears, and at the second moment, it reappears. The RAMP parameter group sets the timing function, and the CTRL parameter group manages the disappearance and reappearance of OBST at the appropriate times.

In a fire simulation, the Fireproof Door is initially closed. If the “Equipped with Automatic Closer” option is selected in the Fire Simulation Parameters, the door opens when occupants pass through and closes after the Closing Time following the last occupant’s passage.

Fire Simulation Parameters. Doors and Windows

A fireproof door that closes after 25 seconds has the same code in the FDS file as a door with a closer.

If the “Equipped with Automatic Closer” option is disabled, the OBST elements representing the door remains during the fire simulation.

Other parameters of the Window element

In the Fire Simulation Parameters (see the picture above), you can specify whether the Windows are considered closed during the simulation. If the “Closed” option is not selected, the window opening is open.

If you enable the “Destruction upon Reaching Critical Temperature” option while the “Closed” option is enabled, a temperature detector is places on each side of the window. The temperature detector is located in the upper part of the window, in the middle of the horizontal projection, at a distance approximately equal to the MESH cell size. If during the fire simulation the indicators of at least one detector exceed the “Destruction Temperature” value, the OBST elements corresponding to the Window element disappear.

In the FDS file, the following code corresponds to a Window that can be destroyed upon reaching a critical temperature.

&OBST XB=2.5,2.5,1,2,1,2 TRANSPARENCY=0.75 RGB=102,102,255 CTRL_ID='3'/


&DEVC ID='1' FYI='Okno 1 device 1' QUANTITY='TEMPERATURE' SETPOINT=250 XYZ=2.82954480796586,1.49359881877899,1.75/

&DEVC ID='2' FYI='Okno 1 device 2' QUANTITY='TEMPERATURE' SETPOINT=250 XYZ=2.04954480796586,1.49359881877899,1.75/

Here, the DEVC parameter group describes the temperature detectors, and the CTRL parameter group controls the OBST disappearance when the temperature exceeds the set value.