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The Fenix+ 3 application serves as a high-level preprocessor for generating input files for the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS).

FDS implements a computational hydrodynamic model for heat and mass transfer during combustion. It numerically solves the Navier-Stokes equations for low-speed, temperature-dependent flows, with a particular focus on spreading of smoke and heat transfer during fires.

Fenix+ 3 supports FDS version 6.9.1 [1, 2].

To conduct simulations with FDS, a specially prepared ASCII text file with an “.fds” extension (hereinafter referred to as the input file) is required. This input file must contain all necessary parameters describing the scenario, organized into groups.

The Fenix+ 3 application generates this input file based on the scenario created by the user within the application. Scenario objects, their properties, and simulation parameters are transformed into one or more parameter groups in the input file.